تفاصيل البرنامج
نوع البرنامج التدريبى
اسم البرنامج التدريبى
رقم البرنامج التدريبى
عدد الأيام
عدد ساعات البرنامج
تاريخ بدء البرنامج 3 مارس 2024
مكان الانعقاد القاهره - مصر
المهندسين - 20 شهاب
مستوى البرنامج
لغة البرنامج
مزايا المشاركة
  • الإستقبال والمغادره من وإلى المطار ( للمشاركين من خارج مصر )
  • وجبه خفيفه مع المشروبات الساخنه والبارده يوميا
  • تقييم يومى للمشاركين
  • الحصول على شهادة معتمدة من أكاديمية المستقبل للتدريب - القاهرة
  • الحصول على المادة العلمية (Hard copy)
وصف البرنامج
تفاصيل البرنامج

Day 1 Analysis of Financial Statements
    Understanding  the  terms  and  steps  associated with analyzing financial statements, including the income statement, the balance sheet and the cash flow statement. By the end of the course, students will have a better picture of what is required in analyzing financial statements and know how to explain  their  interpretations  of  the  financial information. Financial  analysis  makes  extensive use of financial ratios which are the main tools for evaluating  corporate  entities.  Participants  are exposed  to  techniques  by  which  financial  ratios are  used  to  obtain  estimates  of  the  forecasted growth  rates  for  corporate  earnings  and  how these estimates can accurate with the aid of pro forma financial statements.
Day 2 Fundamentals of Equity Valuation
    This course covers the various models available for equity  valuation. Included  are  discussions  of  the dividend  discount  model, Porter  analysis, DuPont decomposition  of  ROE, sustainable  growth  rates, and  relative  valuation. The  major  deliverable  for this course is a comprehensive analysis of a public
company,  modeled  after  the  well-known  Merck case study. Also required is a complete analysis of a convertible bond
Day 3 Portfolio Management Theory
   The  module  focuses  on the  management  of financial resources by individuals and institutions. A major  goal  of  the  course  is  to  provide  you  with hands-on  exposure  to  the  process  of  portfolio management. To this end, we will discuss a number of portfolio exercises, which deal with "real world" problems.  Topics  to  be  covered  in  this  course include: Modern Portfolio Theory, Active Portfolio Management,  Behavioral  Finance,  Risk Management (Value at Risk), International Portfolio Management and Performance Evaluation
Day 4 Technical Analysis for the Market Analyst
    This  module  examines  the  basic  beliefs  of technical  analysts,  the  history  of  technical analysis, the  method  of  bar  chart  construction, and  the  fundamental  principles  of  technical analysis  as  applied  to  these  types  of  charts including support, resistance, trend lines, gaps of various sorts, price patterns, on balance volume, and  simple  moving  average  models. The  goal  is to  give  the  candidate  a  foundation  in  the principles of technical analysis if that is all he or she needs,  but  also  to  set  the  stage  for  more advanced theory use in technical analysis. Topics covered  would  expose  the  candidate  to:  trend lines,  stochastics,  relative  strength  index, momentum,  Bollinger  Bands,  moving  averages, candlestick  charts,  put  call  ratios, on  balance volume, and directional movement study.
Day 5 Global Economics and Financial Markets -
Macro and Micro Graduate Overview
    This  module  offers  a  basic  overview  of  global financial institutions and markets. This section will examine  the  underlying  economic  processes  and factors  that  drive  the  markets,  such  as  capital formation, demand for credit, and funding issues. It also  examines  global  regulatory  structures governing the markets with emphasis on the role of the Federal Systems EU US and other. Discussion focuses  on  global  banking  systems;  the disintermediation  of  U.S.  commercial  banks, exchanges, and other financial institutions; and the equity  (common  and  preferred  stock,  IPOs), government  bond, and  foreign  currency  markets. The role of monetary and fiscal policies in efficient markets,  including  rational  and  adaptive expectations  and  equilibrium  frameworks.  The candidate  would  be  exposed  to  macroeconomic determinants of exchange rates and interest rates and the development of economic growth theory with  particular  emphasis  on  the  role  of  capital markets in the growth process.

الاهداف العامة
الاهداف التفصيلية
جهة اعتماد الشهادات
البرامج المتعلقة