تفاصيل البرنامج
نوع البرنامج التدريبى
اسم البرنامج التدريبى
رقم البرنامج التدريبى
عدد الأيام
عدد ساعات البرنامج
تاريخ بدء البرنامج 28 يناير 2024
مكان الانعقاد القاهره - مصر
المهندسين - 26 ش عدن من ش شهاب
مستوى البرنامج
لغة البرنامج
مزايا المشاركة
  • شهادة PECB معتمدة من البورد الكندى للتقييم المهني الاحترافي
  • الإستقبال والمغادره من وإلى المطار ( للمشاركين من خارج مصر )
  • وجبه خفيفه مع المشروبات الساخنه والبارده يوميا
  • الإقامه بفندق لمده 4 أو 5 نجوم
  • تقييم نهائى
  • تقييم عام للبرنامج التدريبي
  • تقييم يومى للمشاركين
  • الحصول على المادة العلمية (Hard copy)
وصف البرنامج

This training using MEHARI enables the participants tomaster the basic risk management elements related to information security usingthe MEHARI method. The MEHARI (MEthode Harmonisée d'Analyse de Risques) methodwas developed by the “Club de la Sécurité des Systèmes d’Information Français”(CLUSIF). Based on practical exercises and case studies, participants acquirethe necessary knowledge and skills needed to perform an optimal informationsecurity risk assessment and manage risks in time by being familiar with theirlife cycle. This training fits perfectly in the framework of an ISO/IEC27001:2005 standard implementation process

تفاصيل البرنامج

Course agenda
Day 1: Introduction to concepts and phases of MEHARI risk analysis method
Day 2: Conducting risk analysis using MEHARI method
Day 3: Security planning according to MEHARI method and Certification Exam
The “PECB Certified MEHARI Risk Manager” exam fully meets the requirements of the PECB Examination and Certification Programme (ECP) and is labeled by CLUSIF. The exam covers the following competency domains:
Domain 1: Fundamental concepts, principles, and approaches of information security risk management based on the MEHARI method
Domain 2: Implementation of an information security risk management program based on the MEHARI method
Domain 3: Information security risk assessment based on the MEHARI method


•    Individuals seeking to gain a thorough understanding of MEHARI risk analysis method and MEHARI risk model
•    Managers seeking to develop the necessary skills to support organizations in information security risk analysis
•    Auditors seeking to gain a thorough understanding of the MEHARI method
•    Members of an information security team seeking to advance their skills and gain a thorough understanding on how to evaluate the quality of security services

الاهداف العامة

MEHARI Risk Manager training enables you to gain the necessary knowledge and expertise to analyze the information security risks appropriate to the different stages of the security lifecycle in an organization. During this training course, you will have the opportunity to acquire the necessary skills to review the security services, detect critical risks and analyze risk scenarios based on the MEHARI risk analysis method.
Based on practical exercises and case studies, you will have the opportunity to acquire the necessary skills to perform stakes analysis and classification, evaluate the security services, conduct risk analysis and define security plans.
After mastering all the necessary concepts of risk analysis using the MEHARI method, you can sit for the exam and apply for a “PECB Certified MEHARI Risk Manager” credential. By holding a PECB Risk Manager Certificate, you will be able to demonstrate that you have the practical knowledge and professional capabilities to support an organization in performing risk assessment based on the MEHARI method

الاهداف التفصيلية

•    Understand the concepts and general principles associated with MEHARI risk analysis method
•    Gain a thorough understanding of the four phases of the MEHARI approach
•    Develop the necessary skills to identify malfunctions, analyze scenarios of each malfunction, identify the malfunction value scale and prepare a formal classification of the information system assets
•    Develop the necessary skills to evaluate the quality of security services in an organization based on MEHARI method
•    Understand MEHARI risk model
•    Develop the necessary skills to characterize risk, analyze risk situations and conduct quantitative analysis of a risk situation
•    Acquire the necessary skills to develop security plans based on MEHARI approach

جهة اعتماد الشهادات
البرامج المتعلقة